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The Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health conducts research in the area of improvement of occupational environment conditions, early diagnosis of occupational diseases, improvement of health condition, working abilities, and life quality of the employees.

The Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health (IOSEH) is a scientific institution and was established with decision No. 1-2/17.04.07 of 17 April 2007 by the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Senate.


The institute has the following functions:

  • to provide public services in the field of occupational safety and environmental health to state and municipal institutions, to RSU and its structural units, as well as to natural persons;
  • to perform research and activities in the field of occupational safety and environmental health related to acquisition and improvement of scientific qualification;
  • to prepare, enter and participate in implementing theoretical and practical research projects and programmes at an RSU, national, and international level.

In order to fulfil its functions, the institute performs the following tasks:

  • guarantees qualitative training of students in the field of occupational safety and environmental health;
  • performs post-graduate training for physicians, doctoral students, and qualification raising for physicians and nurses in occupational medicine;
  • performs researches in the field of occupational safety and environmental health;
  • creates and maintains database on the health condition of victims of occupational diseases and victims of radiation exposure due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • performs regular supervision of occupational environment at the premises of RSU, informs employees on issues related to occupational safety and health and impact of hazardous factors on the health and prophylaxis of occupational diseases;
  • provides information to state and municipal institutions, employees and other persons on issues related to occupational safety and health.

Informative materials

Within the framework of preventive measures plan in the field of occupational safety, Rīga Stradiņš University’s agency Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health in cooperation with the State Social Insurance Agency have drafted informative materials — brochures, information leaflets, posters, electronic materials, etc. The materials are designed for senior specialists and coordinators in the field of occupational safety, company managers, employees, physicians of occupational health and diseases, and other interested persons.

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