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Programme Fact File

Study direction:
Health Care
Doctor's study programme
accredited until
Degree conferred / qualification obtained:
Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Social Sciences
Language: Latvian, English
Credit points/ECTS: 176/264
Study location: Rīga
4 years
6 full fee

During the studies, doctoral students acquire competences of the organisation, implementation and management of research work, as well as competences required for academic work, based on an in-depth understanding of the theory and methodology of psychology and the competence to design and carry out innovative research projects, to cooperate with specialists in Latvian and at the international level.

Skills and Competences

  • Knowledge: the student analyses, explains and discusses the trends and regularities of the contemporary development of science and psychology, has an in-depth understanding of issues that are addressed through psychology in the healthcare environment; analyses and compares contemporary adult education theories;

  • Skills: the student develops a significant original research project in psychology, using modern methodologies for collecting and processing of data and conducts the research, critically assessing the results and disseminating them, preparing presentations for conferences and publishing scientific articles; prepares and reads lectures and conducts seminars in psychology, in accordance with the achievements of contemporary adult pedagogy;
  • Competence: student performs independent scientific and academic activities in accordance with the international level of contemporary psychology.

The study results are achieved by creating an intellectually stimulating research environment, organising study courses and other events (conferences, symposia) with the participation of lecturers from RSU and other universities; providing doctoral students with access to the necessary literature and methodological materials; offering an opportunity to engage in research programmes; promoting mutual cooperation among doctoral students in order to exchange knowledge and experience; creating an opportunity to teach study courses in the bachelor level programme; providing doctoral students with an opportunity to gain international experience by participating in conferences, publishing articles in academic journals, and attracting foreign guest lecturers; developing the skills of doctoral students to engage in public discussions.

In order to complete the doctoral study programme successfully, a doctoral thesis has to be completed during or after doctoral studies.

Content of the Programme

Compulsory scientific research part

The doctoral student’s independent original scientific research, participation in conferences, preparation of publications and publishing thereof, receipt of patents. The doctoral student conducts scientific research work in co-operation with and under the supervision of the doctoral thesis supervisor.

Compulsory educational part
  • Methodology Basics of Scientific Activities
  • Quantitative Research Methods in Psychology (Multivariate Statistics and Modelling)
  • Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology
  • Doctoral Seminar I: Methodology and Methods of Preparing a Doctoral Thesis
  • Doctoral Seminar II: Discussion of the Theoretical Part
  • Doctoral Seminar III: Discussion of the Research Part
  • Doctoral Seminar IV: Development of the Doctoral Thesis
  • Doctoral Exam in Psychology
  • Doctoral Exam in a Foreign Language
  • Higher Educational Institution Pedagogy
  • Research Ethics
  • Current Development Trends in Psychology and Scientific Communication
  • Current Studies in Psychology in the Context of Health Care and an Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Dissemination of knowledge
Free elective part (three study courses must be selected)
  • Social Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Society
  • Health and Medical Sociology
  • Development of Scientific Articles / Scientific Language
  • Guest lecturer’s course


Doctoral studies are the level of education and experience, which opens doors to work as an expert in both the academic environment and research and in practice. The studies offer to certify the highest level of competence in psychology. The doctoral study programme Psychology at Rīga Stradiņš University is the most recent doctoral study programme, in which representatives from various disciplines of science may study in order to acquire new knowledge by completing an original research project in psychology and disseminating its results, participating in international co-operation and mobility, developing their research and academic competence, which is rooted in an in-depth understanding of psychology theory and methodology. You have the opportunity to be among the first graduates of the RSU doctoral study programme Psychology! I wish you success in formulating a significant and truly interesting research problem, to look for the solution with enthusiasm and to be happy to find it during your doctoral studies!

Prof. Kristīne Mārtinsone, head of the study programme
