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Work experience

2011 - Present


Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Health

2010 - 2011

Acting lecturer

RSU Department of Conservative Dentistry

1993 - 2010

Teaching assistant

RSU Department of Conservative Dentistry

1989 - 1992

Senior laboratory assistant

Riga Medical Institution,Department of Postgraduate Education

1987 - 1989


Dental Clinic

1986 - 1987

Internship in Dentistry

Dental Clinic

Education and training

1981 - 1986

Doctor Dental Surgery

Rīga Medical Institution


Rīga Stradiņš University


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

3.06.-6.06.2015.8th Conference of the European Federation of Periodontology. London,U.K. Certificate,17 European CME credits.​​​

21.11.2015.Interdisciplinary Conference for Dentists.Riga,Latvia.Certificate,12 credits.

28.03.2015. Practical course "Regenerative periodontal surgery using Straumann Emdogain" Vilnius,Lithuania.Certificate, 8 hours.

17.01.2015. Seminar "Assessment of the Clinical Competences" Riga,Latvia. 5 hours.

4.10.2014. Interdisciplinary Conference for Dentists. Riga,Latvia. Certificate, 12 credits.

27.-30.08.2014. 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of Association for Dental Education in Europe. Riga,Latvia.Certificate.

27.06.2014. Conference "Dental Education,Science and Practice in Independent Latvia (1994-2014) Riga,Latvia. Certificate,8 credits.

16.-17.06.2014.7th Baltic Conference of Preventive Dentistry. Riga,Latvia.Certificate,16 credits.

9.-10.2014. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Dental Ergonomics.Vilnius,Lithuania.Certificate,14 hours.

24.-25.01.,21.-22.02.2014. Seminar "The Role of the Doctor in developing of therapeutical relations with the patient."Riga, Latvia.Certificate,24 credits.

8.-9.11 2013. Annual Nordic Interdisciplinary Dentistry Conference.

Tallinn,Estonia. Certificate,16 hours.

19.-21.09.2013. 7th Congress of Latvian Doctors.Riga,Latvia.Certificate,12 credits.

8.12.2012. Conference "How to provide success in clinical practice: complex steps of treatment".Riga,Latvia.Certificate,9 credits.

6.-9.06.2012.7th Conference of the European Federation of Periodontology.

Vienna,Austria. Certificate,17 European CMF credits.

9.-10.03.2012. 5th Baltic Preventive conference in dentistry. Riga,Latvia.Certificate.

10.12.2011.Conference "How to provide success in clinical practice:complex steps of treatment."Riga,Latvia. Certificate,8 hours.

30.06.2011. Seminar "Comprehensive perio-restorative management of complex cases: corrective periodontal surgery."Tallinn,Estonia. Certificate, 8 hours.

Field of research


Supervised study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University, 2nd level professional study programme "Periodontology"

Head of the study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University, 2nd level professional study programme " Periodontology"

Supervised study course


Preclinical and Clinical Course in Periodontology

Head of study course

Preclinical and clinical course in Periodontology.

Lectured study course


Periodontology - Preclinic and Clinic

Preclinical and Clinical Course in Periodontology

Supervised and reviewed student research papers


Master's theses: 2

qualification papers: 5


doctoral theses: 4

Master's theses: 5

qualification papers: 6


Research articles​​

Petkune, Rita. Dažādu medikamentu ietekme uz zobu un mutes veselību / R.Petkune, I.Krasta, I.Grīnvalde // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.2 (2015), 34.-36.lpp.

Vilcāne, Ieva. Periodonta slimību patoģenēze / I.Vilcāne, I.Grīnvalde // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.1 (2013), 13.-15.lpp.

Agafonova, Elizabete. Periodonta un kardiovaskulāro slimību iespējamā kopsakarība / E.Agafonova, I.Grīnvalde // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.1 (2011), 20.-22.lpp.


Small anatomical comments in differential diagnosis of trigeminal autonomic cephalgias (TACs) [Elektroniskais resurss] / M.Sevastjanova, I.Grinvalde, L.Neimane ...[et al.] // Milan 2012 - 14th Congress on Pain (Milan, Italy, Aug.27-31, 2012) : Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Abstr. PT 059. - Resurss aprakstīts 2013.g. 20.martā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…


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Egita Senakola
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Ģirts Šalms
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