Work experience
2013 - Present | Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Dental Prosthetics of Riga Stradiņš University |
2012 - Present | Acting Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Dental Prosthetics of Riga Stradiņš University |
2011 - Present | DentistDental clinic "Smaidīsim" |
2001 - Present | DentistDepartment of Prosthetic Dentistry of the Institute of Stomatology of Riga Stradiņš University |
2007 - 2009 | HeadDepartment of Prosthetic Dentistry of the Institute of Stomatology of Riga Stradiņš University |
2000 - 2001 | Dentist – apprenticeDepartment of Prosthetic Dentistry of the Institute of Stomatology of Riga Stradiņš University |
1998 - 2000 | Security officerAveLat Sargs Ltd. |
Education and training
2011 | The scientific degree of a Doctor of Medicine of the Republic of Latvia was granted |
2005 - 2008 | Doctoral curriculum studies ,specialising in dental prostheticsRiga Stradiņš University |
2001 - 2004 | Residency studies in Dental Prosthetics curriculumRiga Stradiņš University |
1995 - 2000 | Studies at the Faculty of DentistryMedical Academy of Latvia |
1984 - 1995 | Riga 99 Secondary School |
Lectured study course
Integrated Treatment Planning
Preclinical Course in Prosthetic Dentistry
Prosthetic Dentistry
- Scientific research project performed within the framework of doctoral studies at Riga Stradiņš University Tactile sensibility of natural teeth and osseointegrated implants to loading
Scientific supervisor – Prof. Peteris Apse; Scientific advisor – Associate Professor Leons Blumfelds.
- Scientific research project performed within the framework of residency studies at Riga Stradiņš University Effect of increase in cast post and core diameter on fracture resistance of teeth (May 2004)
Project scientific supervisors - Prof. Pēteris Apse, Associate Professor Una Soboļeva. The research was performed in cooperation with Riga Technical University and Professor Rūdolfs Cimdiņš.
A member of Latvian Dental Association since 2002.
Research articles
Grieznis, Linards. Tactile sensibility of natural teeth and osseointegrated dental implants to loading / L.Grieznis, P.Apse, L.Blumfelds // Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. - No.15/1 (2015), p.58-62.
Grieznis, Linards. Lokalizācijas ietekme uz dabīgo zobu un osseointegrētu implantātu taktilo jutīgumu / L.Grieznis, P.Apse, L.Blumfelds // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.1 (2011), 11.-13.lpp.
Grieznis, Linards. Pasīvais taktilais jutīgums augšžokļa un apakšžokļa dabīgiem zobiem un osseointegrētiem implantātiem / L.Grieznis, P.Apse, L.Blumfelds // Zinātniskie raksti : 2010.g. medicīnas nozares pētnieciskā darba publikācijas / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2011. - 2.sēj., 296.-304.lpp.
Grieznis, Linards. Augšžokļa dabīgo zobu un osseointegrētu implantu pasīvais taktilais jūtīgums / L.Grieznis, P.Apse, L.Blumfelds // Zobārstniecības Raksti. - Nr.1 (2010), 14.-16.lpp.
Grieznis, Linards. Passive tactile sensibility of teeth and osseointegrated dental implants in the maxilla / L.Grieznis, P.Apse, L.Blumfelds // Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal. - Vol.12, N 3 (2010), p.80-86. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.
The effect of 2 different diameter cast post on tooth root fracture resistance in vitro Article in Stomatologija / issued by public institution "Odontologijos studija" ... [et al.] February 2006
Grieznis, Linards. Augšžokļa dabīgo zobu un osseointegrētu implantu taktilais jutīgums - pilotpētījums / L.Grieznis, P.Apse, L.Blumfelds // 2010.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2010.g. 18.-19.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2010. - 310.lpp.
Grieznis, Linards. Tactile sensibility of teeth and osseointegrated dental implants in the maxilla / L.Grieznis, P.Apse, L.Blumfelds // 7th Congress of Baltic Association for Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery (Riga, May 20-22, 2010) : [Abstract Book]. - Riga, 2010. - P.51.

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