Protect yourself and others from COVID-19
What is COVID-19
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the coronavirus. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- fever,
- fatigue,
- sore throat,
- dry cough and
- shortness of breath.
The disease can spread from an infected person to others by tiny airborne droplets through coughing, exhalation, or sneezing. In most cases, the incubation period is between 1 and 14 days, but most often around 5 days.
Useful Links
Contact information for hotlines in Latvia regarding COVID-19
Register to get the vaccine
The latest information about arriving in Latvia from abroad
Up-to-date list of countries and their infection rates on the Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control website*
*scroll down to find document called "List of countries and recommendations for travellers" with the latest date.
Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (in Latvian)
Informative page about the spread of Covid-19 in Latvia (in English)
WHO website on the coronavirus pandemic
Read more on the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers website (in English)
General useful contact information (in English)

- Previous Decrees
Rector's Decree on organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of Covid-19 infection (25 March 2022)
Amendments to the Rector's Decree No.5-1/434/2021 from 23 August 2021 “On organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of Covid-19 infection” (22 February 2022)
On organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of Covid-19 infection (Consolidated version with amendments until 22 February 2022)
Approval of the Procedures for the implementation of precautions for the containment of the spread of Covid-19 infection at Rīga Stradiņš University (starting 1 March 2022)
Amendments to the Rector’s Decree No. 5-1/558/2021 of 27.10.2021 “On determining the status of a contact person and home quarantine during the emergency situation” (17 November 2021)
Amendment to the Rector’s Decree No. 5-1/434/2021 of 23.08.2021 “On organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of Covid-19 infection” (10 November 2021)
Rector's Decree On organisation of the study and work process during the state of emergency (21 October 2021)
Precautionary measures at RSU student hostels to contain the spread of Covid-19 (8 October 2021)
RSU organisational and practical action, confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 (29 September 2020)
Procedures for the implementation of precautions to contain the spread of COVID-19 at Rīga Stradiņš University (30 August 2021)
Rector's Decree On organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of Covid-19 infection (23 August 2021)
Rector's Decree On additional epidemiological safety measures in the spring semester of the academic year 2020/2021 (28 May 2021)
Procedures for the implementation of precautions to contain the spread of COVID-19 at Rīga Stradiņš University (24 May 2021)
Amendments to the Rector’s Decree on further organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of COVID-19 infection (17 March 2021)
Rector's Decree on further organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of COVID-19 infection (8 March 2021)
Rector's Decree On further organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of COVID-19 infection (9 February 2021)
Procedures for the implementation of precautions to contain the spread of COVID-19 at Rīga Stradiņš University (21 January 2021)
Rector's Decree On further organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of COVID-19 infection (18 December 2020)
Rector's Decree On further organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of COVID-19 infection (3 December 2020)
Rector's decree on further organisation of the study process under conditions of the spread of COVID-19 infection (20 November 2020)
Epidemiological Safety Measures for Organising Mass Events (11 March 2020)
Epidemiological Safety Measures Concerning the Organisation of the Study Process in Relation to the Spread of COVID-19 (11 March 2020)
- Articles
- More Than 1,120 RSU Students and Residents are Helping to Treat COVID-19 Patients (23 November 2021)
Social Anthropologist Klāvs Sedlenieks on the Current Situation in Latvia: There Is No Other Way Out (29 October 2021)
RSU Organises Collective Vaccination Against COVID-19 (7 May 2021)
In Fighting COVID-19, The Body’s Immune Response Is More Important Than a Strong Immunity (16 April 2021)
RSU Professor and Infectologist Ludmila Vīksna on What Is Currently Known About COVID-19 (16 March 2020)
RSU Professor Ģirts Briģis On How to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic (14 April 2020)
Professor Ģirts Briģis: There is Risk of Social Distancing Fatigue (28 April 2020)
RSU Professor and Infectologist Ludmila Vīksna on What Is Currently Known About COVID-19 (Continued) (31 April 2020)
Infectologist Ludmila Vīksna: I Have Found no Evidence for a Second Global Wave of COVID-19 (22 May 2020)
‘It’s Important to Remain Calm and Rational’: Latvian and Lithuanian Views on COVID-19 (28 May 2020)
Prof. Gunta Ancāne: This Crisis Highlights People's Maturity Level (10 June 2020)
App Developed to Limit the Spread of the Coronavirus in Latvia (10 June 2020)
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