Work experience
2019 - Present | Science assistantRīga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Medicine, Statistics Unit |
2018 - Present | LecturerRīga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Medicine, Statistics Unit |
2016 - 2018 | LecturerRīga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physics |
2009 - 2012 | Science AssistantUniversity of Latvia, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy |
2004 - 2009 | Science assistant, assistant, laborantUniversity of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human and Animal Physiology |
Education and training
2015 - 2018 | Certified coach in Equine Gestalt Coaching MethodTouched by a Horse |
2003 - 2005 | Master's degree in biology, specialty – human and animal physiologyUniversity of Latvia |
2000 - 2003 | Bachelor's degree in Biology, specialty – human and animal physiologyUniversity of Latvia |
Continuing education and other activities for cademic growth
2004. Exchange of the experience - methods and software in electroencephalography, Saint Petersburg State University.
2003. - 2004. Learning methods in psychophysiology while volunteering at the Psychoneurophysiology and bioregulation investigation center.
1. Z. Marcinkevics, M. Greve, R. Erts, J. Aivars, J. Spigulis. „Metode un ierīce arteriālā asinsspiediena neinvazīvai un nepārtrauktai mērīšanai” (Method and device for non-invasive continuous measurement of arterial blood pressure). LR patent LV 13582 B, 2007.
2. Z. Marcinkevičs, M. Greve. “Metode kognitīvo darbaspēju pašnovērtējumam” (Method for self assesment of cognitive capacity), LR patent LV13721, 2007.
Managed courses:
Mathematical statistics
Lectures and practical works in courses:
Mathematical statistics
Supervised and reviewed thesis
master's thesis: 3
bachelor's thesis: 3
course papers: 7
course papers: 3
Participation in projects:
1. European Social Fund project „Biophotonics Research Group” (12.2009. - 03.2012.), Nr.2009/0211/1DP/, ESS 2009/80.
2. European Regional Development Fund project „Information technologies for optic monitoring of the heart and circulatory system” (08.2006 – 01.2008), LU Nr. ESS 2006/30.
3. European Social Fund project „Improvement of research in natural science programmes; bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree levels.” (11.2006 – 01.2008), Nr. 2006/49, “Telemetric methods in haemodynamics”.
4. LU project ”Method for self-evaluation of cognitive capacity with software integrated in mobile phones. Stage I." (2006), Nr. 2006/4-229712.
5. LU project “Methods and devices for optic monitoring of heart and circulatory systems.” (06.2005. – 11.2005.), Nr. LU-14.
Publications and Conferences
1. Zbignevs Marcinkevics, Mara Greve, Juris Aivars, Renars Erts, Aram Hussain Zehtabi. “Relationship between arterial pressure changes and pulse wave velocity using photoplethysmography during the post-exercise recovery period.” Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 2009, Vol. 753, Biology, pp. 59–68.
2. Z. Marcinkevics, M. Greve, J.I. Aivars. “Use of conventional and PTT-derived pressure measurement methods during static exercise.” Medicina Sportiva Bohemica & Slovaca, 2007, 16 (3): A90-A91.
3. L. Plakane, J.I. Aivars, A. Skutela, E. Vaļēviča, M. Grēve, Z. Marcinkevičs. “Oxygen uptake efficiency in endurance-trained humans during acute hypoxia.” Proceeding of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, 2006, 60 (5/6), 170-175.
4. N. Tolmaca, J. Porozovs, M. Greve. “Diagnostic and rehabilitation of airport dispatcher’s central nervous system functional disturbances by using complex psychophysiological monitoring.” Psychopharmacology & biological narcology, 2004, 4(2-3), 727-728.
1. Mara Greve, Edgars Kviesis-Kipge, Oskars Rubenis, Uldis Rubins, Viktorija Mecnika, Andris Grabovskis and Zbignevs Marcinkevics. Comparison of Pulse Rate Variability Derived from
Digital Photoplethysmography over the Temporal Artery with the Heart Rate Variability Derived from a Polar Heart Rate Monitor. 7th Conference of the European Study Group on Cardiovascular Oscillations, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 22.-25.04.2012.
2. Mara Greve, Viktorija Mecnika, Edgars Kviesis-Kipge, Oskars Rubenis, Uldis Rubīns, Andris Grabovskis. Photoplethysmography system for wireless heart rate variability monitoring during static exercise. VII International Baltic Sports Medicine Congress, Riga, 25.-26.11.2011.
3. M. Grēve, L. Orlova, M. Sosnova. „Sirdsdarbības ritma variabilitātes analīzes priekšrocības un trūkumi studentu pētniecisko darbu izstrādē.” (Advantages and disadvantages of the use of heart rate variability analysis in students' research.) Latvijas Universitātes Rīgas Medicīnas koledža, 3. starptautiskā zinātniskā conference. Rīga, 2010.
4. Z. Marcinkevičs, M. Grēve, J. Aivars. „Parastās un pulsa viļņa izplatīšanas laikā bāzētās asinsspiediena mērīšanas metodes lietojums statisku vingrinājumu laikā.” (The use of conventional and pulse wave velocity-based methods of blood pressure measurement during static load.) LU 66. konference, Atomfizikas, spektroskopijas un fotonikas sekcija, Rīga, 2008.
5. Z. Marcinkevičs, M. Grēve. „Sistoliskā arteriālā asinsspiediena un pulsa viļņa aizkaves laika sakarības individuālā atkārtojamība pieaugušiem cilvēkiem. ” (Individual repeatability of relationship between systolic blood pressure and pulse wave delay time for adults.) LU 65. konference, Cilvēka un dzīvnieku fizioloģijas sekcija, Rīga, 2006.
6. Z. Marcinkevičs, M. Grēve “Arteriālā spiediena nepārtrauktas un ilgstošas kontroles neinvazīva metode” (Non-invasive method for prolonged and continuous arterial blood pressure measurement.), LU 63. konference, Cilvēka un dzīvnieku fizioloģijas sekcija, Rīga, 2005.
7. Ю. Айварс, З. Марцинкевич, М. Греве, Р. Эртс. “Скорость распространения пульсовой волны как индикатор изменений артериального давления” (Pulse wave velocity as an indicator of change in arterial blood pressure), II евразийский конгресс медицинской физике и инженерии “медицинская физика – 2005”, Mосква, 2005.
8. M. Grēve, Z. Marcinkevičs, J. Aivars. “Non-invasive continuous blood pressure control by pulse wave velocity”, LU MF ar medicīnu saistīto studentu zinātniskā konferenece, Rīga, 2005.