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Work experience

2012 - Present


Faculty of Public Health and Social Wellbeing, RSU Liepaja branch

Organisation of research activities, taking part in collaborative projects and research, tutoring lectures and lessons, organisation of tests and examinations

2011 - Present

Head of Nursing Study Department

Faculty of Public Health and Social Wellbeing, RSU Liepaja branch

2004 - 2011

Head of Study Department

Medical School of Liepaja, Liepaja (Latvia)

Overseeing study programmes, organising the quality of the study process, supplying the necessary equipment required in the study process

2000 - 2004

Head of Nursing Department

Medical School of Liepaja

Renewing, analysing and perfecting the study programme, working alongside fellow Assisstant Professors in order to achieve the set target of high marks

1981 - 2000

Nurse/Head Nurse

Medical Department of Liepajas Metalurgs

Leading a department of up to 16 employees, carer, providing medication

1972 - 1981


Central Hospital of the area of Bauska

Education and training

2014 - Present

P.H.D. Candidate

Liepajas University

Nurses' Professional Proficiency in the Process of Educating Patients

2011 - 2014

P.H.D. Study Programme Pedagogy’

University of Liepaja


2008 - 2011

Foundation Degree in Out-patient Nursing,

Riga Stradiņš University

2005 - 2007

Master of Education

Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy

2003 - 2005

Bachelor Degree in Social work

Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy

1969 - 1972

Child Nurse

Medical School of Liepaja


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade


2016 certificate No 20-17/112 RSU conference 'Current Events in Research in Health Care II' 17-18/03, Riga

2015 Latvian Physicians Association interdisciplinary conference ' Liepaja Amber in medicine' ,31/10, Liepaja Certificate, RSU scientific forum ' Role of Health Care Worker in Promoting Human Securitability' 16/10, Liepaja, 5TIP

2015 certificate No 20-16/104/, RSU conference ' Current Events in Research in Health Care I' 5/06, Liepaja 8 TIP

2015 certificate No 015, RSU scientifically practical conference 'Excellent education- modern practice' 07/05 Riga, 12TIP

2015 Certificate , scientific conference ' Knowledge of Education Quality Dimension in Society' 24/04 Liepaja University IZI,8TIP

2015 certificate RSU scientific conference 26-27/03, Riga

2015 certificate No 488 9th social work conference' Social Work Current Events' 13/02 Rezekne,8TIP

2014 certificate No 2014/2418 OMI Medical Institute (America- Austria fond and RSU) satellite Symposium in medical pedagogy, 20-21/10, Riga , 16 hours

2014 certificate of participation in conference of Federation of European Nurse Educator, 24-26/09 Nancy, France

2014 Certificate of participation in doctoral summer school in EANS 30/06-11/07, Renne, France, organized by Exeter University, England, 60hours

2014 Certificate of participation in 5th international conference ' New Horizons in Education' 25-27/06 Paris, France University of Sarria

2014 certificate No 12/11-21/2014/29 RSU ' Nursing Faculty 20th Anniversary Conference' 30/05 Riga 4TIP

2014 Certificate of participation in RSU 13th scientific conference 10-11/04, Riga

2014 Liepaja University 8th social work conference ' Current Events of Social Work' 21/02, IZI, Liepaja

2014 Royal College of Nursing of the UK, Glasgow, Scotland

2014 Certificate of participation in International Teacher Education Conference, 05-04/02 , Saharija University, Dubai UAE

2013 Certificate No 273, LU and LiepU methodical seminar of PhD students, 29/11, Liepaja University IZI

2013 certificate No NTI/K-0206 LMA Child Care Nursing Association Conference 'Solutions in Child Care' 07/11, Riga 10TIP

2013 Certificate of participation in 7th International Scientific Conference ' Pedagogy: Theory and Practice' 10-12/10, Liepaja

2013 certificate No NTI/K-0200 ' 3rd Congress of Latvian Nurse, Midwife and Medical Assistants' ' LMA, Riga 39 TIP

2013 International Conference of New Horizons in Education (INTE 2013), 25-27/06 Saharia University, Rome, Italy

2013 Certificate No 216 Scientific Conference ' Society, Integration, Education '23-25/05,, Higher School of Rezekne

2013 Certificate of participation in 5th Scientific Conference ' Knowledge of Education Quality Dimension in Society', 19/04, Liepaja University, 6hours

2013 Certificate of participation in 7th social work conference ' Current Events of Social Work' 19/04 Liepaja University, 6 hours

2012 Certificate of participation in conference of Federation of European Nurse Educator 3-5/10/12 Cardiff, Welsh, UK

2012 Certificate of participation in International conference ' Concepts and Strategies of non-stop Education in International Context' 12-15/09, St Petersburg Post- Graduate Academy of Pedagogy

2012 Certificate No 104 of participation in International Scientific Conference ' Society, Integration and Education' 25-26/05, Higher School of Rezekne

2012 Certificate of participation in 4th Scientific Conference ' Knowledge of Education Quality Dimension in Society' 19/04, Liepaja University, 6 hours

2012 Certificate of acquirement of professional development ' Perfection of Pedagogical Skills in Process of Adult Education', 8-21/03, RSU, 10 Academic hours

2012 Certificate ' Basic concepts of medical statistics' Riga, RSU 22 academic hours

2012 Certificate No 150 6th Social Work Conference ' Current Events of Social Work ' 17/02 Liepaja University, 6 hours

2011 Certificate of participation in seminar of OMI Medical Institute ' OMI visiting professorship in TIP

Medical Education, 15/10 Riga RSU 7TIP

2011 Certificate of participation in 5th Social Work Conference ' Current Events of Social Work ' 25/02 Liepaja University

2010 Reference No 12124 of participation in EUF non-formal educational program ' Raise of level of professional competence and skills of involved institutions and personnel that are involved in health care process. Mental Health and Care of Addicted Patients in interdisciplinary team' , Liepaja

2010 Reference No 11252 of participation in EUF program ' Health Care and Further Education of in health care process involved institutions and personnel for development of the branch' 7-13/05 course ' Development of Modern Health Care System'

2010 Reference No 10001 of participation in EUF program ' Health Care and Further Education of in health care process involved institutions and personnel for development of the branch' 19-26/03 ' Leadership of changes in Health Care' (22KP), Liepaja

2010 Reference No 8672 of participation in EUF program ' Health Care and Further Education of in health care process involved institutions and personnel for development of the branch' 22/01, course 'Educating personnel involved in Health Care and Facilitating Institutions about Patient Rights' (24 KP) Liepaja

2010 Certificate of participation in 4th Social Work Conference ' Current Events of Social Work' 12/04, Liepaja University


Field of research


Aspects of Patients Education​


Supervised study programme

Rīga Stradiņš University, 1st Level Professional, Full-time studies, Nursing Studies

Rīga Stradiņš University, 1st Level Professional, Full-time studies, Midwifery

Head of the study programme


Riga Stradiņš University, Foundation level, Full-time studies, Nursing

Riga Stradiņš University, Foundation level, Full-time studies, Nursing(specialization Internal Nurse)

Riga Stradiņš University, Foundation level , Full-time studies, Midwife


Supervised study course


Internal nursing care specification module

Work practice (Internal nursing care speciality)

Professional technique skills

National Test

Outpatient nursing specification module

Pediatric anastesia, intesive care and first aid

Anastesia, intensive care and first aid nursing specification module


Endocrinology and patient care

Pharmacotherapy in outpatient nursing practice

Pharmacotherapy in anastesia, intensive care and first aid practice

Internal disease and patient care

Internal disease, infection, oncology and patient care

Internal disease, neurology and patient care

Internal care pharmacotherapy of internal disease within the nursing practice

Infectious disease and patient care

Internal care nursing specification module

Cardiology and patient care

Clinical care and internal disease

Surgical disease and patient care

Emergency cardiology

Neurology and patient care. Nefrology and patient care

Oncology, hematology and patient care

Oncological disease and patient care. Patient pain care

Safety of patients and the work environment

Pediatrics and patient care

Research methods

Psychiatry and narcology

Public rights and head nurse legal aspects

Pulomonology and patient care

Rheumatology and patient care. Infectious diseases and patient care.

Interdisciplinary approach to emergency medical conditions

Toxicology and catastrophe medicine


Lectured study course

Clinical Care

Clinical Care in Nurses_ Practice, Radiology

Clinical Placement II

Clinical Placement III

Placement 5

Placement Basic Speciality of Surgical Nurse

Placement I

Placement II

Placement III

Placement IV

Professionally technical skills

Supervised and reviewed student research papers


Carried out:

Bachelor studies:12

Qualification studies: 9


Bachelor studies:15

Qualification studies: 13




Researcher (projects), faculty of Public Health and Social Wellbeing, RSU Liepaja branch, project 'European Later Life Active Network' no. 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Coordinator 'ESF activity: programme 'Human Resources and Employment' continued activities 'Health care and increase of employee competence and skills', project 'Health care and employee further education for sustainable development'-, project MPIC_ESF-2009/2014 01-17.12/105




Research articles​​


Bēta, Gunta. Pacientu izglītošanas aspekti māszinību kursa abiturientu vērtējumā = Patients’ educational aspects by nursing graduates’ point of view / G.Bēta, A.Līdaka // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība : starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli = Society, integration, education : proceedings of the international scientifical conference (Rēzekne, 2015.g. 22.-23.maijs) / Rēzeknes Augstskola. - Rēzekne, 2015. - 3.daļa, [465.]-475.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Bēta, Gunta. The aspect of proficiency in the theoretical overview of pedagogical practice of nurses original [Elektroniskais resurss] / G.Beta, A.Lidaka // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.174 (2015), p.1957-1965. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…

Bēta, Gunta. Māsu profesionāli pedagoģiskās prasmes pacientu vērtējumā = Professionally pedagogical skills of nurses from the viewpoint of the patients / G.Bēta, A.Līdaka // Pedagoģija: teorija un prakse : rakstu krājums / Liepājas Pedagoģijas akadēmija. Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas katedra. - Liepāja, 2014. - 7.[sēj.], 17.-29.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.

Bēta, Gunta. Patient education - relevance in nursing education and practice [Elektroniskais resurss] / G.Bēta // American Journal of Educational Research [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.2, No.7 (2014), p.441-446. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: - T.p. krāj. "International Teacher Education Conference" (Dubai, UAE, Febr.5-7, 2014) : Proceedings Book. - Dubai, 2014. - P.1000-1008.

Bēta, Gunta. Māsa kā sabiedrības veselības politikas īstenošanas loceklis / G.Bēta // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība : starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli = Society, integration, education : proceedings of the international scientifical conference (Rēzekne, 2013.g. 24.-25.maijs) / Rēzeknes Augstskola. - Rēzekne, 2013. - 2.daļa, 529.-540.lpp. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.

Bēta, Gunta. Pedagogical proficiency of a nurse as a contributing factor in patients' education [Elektroniskais resurss] / G.Beta // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Vol.106 (2013, Dec.), p.2028-2036. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…

Bēta, Gunta. Māsu profesionālās identitātes aspekti / G.Bēta // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība : starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli = Society, integration, education : proceedings of the international scientifical conference (Rēzekne, 2012.g. 25.-26.maijs) / Rēzeknes Augstskola. - Rēzekne, 2012. - 1.daļa, 228.-237.lpp. - Starptautiski citējamā izdevumā.




Bēta, Gunta. Metakognitīvie aspekti māszinību studentu izglītošanas procesa kontekstā / G.Bēta // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 427.lpp.

Bēta, Gunta. Paaudžu sadarbība Eiropas sabiedrības novecošanas kontekstā / G.Bēta, D.Deimante-Hartmane, D.Berloviene // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 5.lpp.

Bēta, Gunta. Pacientu izglītošanas paradigmas māsu praksē / G.Bēta // 2014.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2014.g. 10.-11.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2014. - 472.lpp.

Bēta, Gunta. Patient education aspects in practice guidelines and in reality [Elektroniskais resurss] : [abstract] / G.Beta, L.Eriksone // RCN (Royal College of Nursing of the UK) 2014 Annual International Nursing Research Conference (Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Apr.2-4, 2014) [Elektroniskais resurss]. - Glasgow, 2014. - Poster No.141. - Resurss aprakstīts 2016.g. 8.jūl. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:…

Bēta, Gunta. Nursing education process as a contributor of nurses' values / G.Beta // IXth European Conference of Nurse Educators (Cardiff, United Kingdom, Oct.3-5, 2012) : Book of Abstracts. - Cardiff, 2012. - P.19.


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Daiga Behmane
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