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Work experience

2010 - Present


​Rīga Stradiņš University, Liepaja branch

  • Provide lectures and classes
  • Prepare study materials
  • Upload ​study materials on e-studies​

2015 - Present

Royalty Shall

Rīga Stradiņš University, Continuing Education, Course Section

2005 - Present


Liepaja University

- ​to carry out the duties of assistant, manage classes for students​

2007 - 2013

Scientific assistant

Liepaja University

- ​to carry out research​

2003 - 2007

Leader, Montesori teacher

Society of CRC "Celies - Iesim!"

- to carry out duties of leader​, manage classes for children​

1996 - 2006


Liepaja Medical College

- ​to carry out duties lecturer, ​manage classes for students​

1991 - 1996

Sports Medicine Physician

Liepaja sports medicine dispensary, LCH

- ​to carry out preventive inspections and sportsmen treatment​​

Education and training

2006 - 2010

Doctoral studies

Liepaja University

Research methodology, research methods in pedagogy

2003 - 2005

Master’s degree of Educational Sciences in Pedagogy

Liepaja University

2000 - 2002

Montesori Teacher’s Diploma

Liepaja Pedagogical Academia

1985 - 1991

Sports Medicine, Master level degree

The University of Tartu


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade


2016. RSU LB conference "Research topicalities in health care"


2016. Rēzekne International Scientific Conference​ "Society. Integration. Education"


2016. "Competence Approach in Education" within the National research programmes "Inovative Solutions in social tele-rehabilitation in Latvia schools in inclusive education context", Rezekne Academy of Technologies​

2016. LiepU 8th scientific conference "Education Quality Dimensions in knowlege society"

2016. RSU 15th scientific ​conference

2016. RSU LB ​scientific forum "Health Care Specialists Role in Human safe-ability ​Promotion"

2015. "Endurance. Spine. Posture", Latvia further education centre of coaches

2015. RSU scientific conference​

2015. LiepU 9th social work conference "Social Work Topicalities"

2014. "Topicalities in Physical and Rehabilitation medicine", RSU

2014. ESF project Latvia Republic Health' Ministry "sports Medicine basis in primary health care Professionals' ​practice"

2013. LiepU 7th social work conference "Social Work Topicalities"​

2013. LiepU 5th scientific conference "Education Quality Dimensions in knowledge society"​

2010. Development of personnel and patient's communication skills (ESF project "Further education of personnel involved ​in Health Care and health Promotion Process for Sustainable development of the Branch"), courses

2010. "Successful solutions for Beautiful Aging", RSU Continuing Education​ study programme


Field of research


Formation of positive attitude to elderly people in health care and social wellness study process.


Head of the study programme


Rīga Stradiņš University, academic Bachelor's study programme "International Marketing and Advertising"


Supervised study course

Aesthetic Group Gymnastics

Aesthetic Massage

Alternative Types of Massage



Basic Hydrotherapy

Basic Rehabilitation

Basic Steps in Aerobics

Basics of Aerobics and Terminology

Basics of Classic and Sports Massage

Basics of Gymnastics and Terminology

Basics of Health Sports

Basics of Healthy Nutrition

Basics of Physiotherapy

Basics of Pilates and Terminology

Basics of Psychology

Basics of the Use of Exercise Equipment and Terminology

Behavioural and Communication Culture




Cardio Exercise Equipment


Emergency Medical Assistance and Civil Protection

Ergonomics in Workplace Environment

First Aid and Civil Protection

General and Sports Psychology

General Surgery and Traumatology


Gymnastics Methods for Various Levels of Physical Fitness

Health Paedagogy

Hygiene, Sports Hygiene

Insight into Different Types of Fitness Activities

Introduction to the Alternative Type of Massage


Labour Law

Labour Protection and Ergonomics

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Medical rehabilitation

Medical Terminology in Latin

Medical Terminology in Russian

Nordic Walking

Office work

Paediatrics and Paediatric Massage


Physiology and Pathophysiology


Points and Foot Massage

Power Exercise Equipment

Pregnancy Massage

Professional Communication

Project Preparation and Management

Qualification Examination

Qualification Paper

Qualification paper: Elaboration and Defence

Qualification Thesis and State Final Examination

Rehabilitation in Patient Care

Research Methods

Segmentary Massage

Special Types of Massage

Sports and Connective Tissue Massage

Sports and Fitness Nutrition

Sports Biochemistry

Sports Games

Sports Massage

Sports medicine

Sports Physiology

Theory of Sports, Training Theory and Methodology

Various Types of Aerobics

Movement Impact on Health

Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy)

Head of study course



Research Work Methodology


Lectured study course


Basics of Health Sports


Ergonomics in Workplace Environment


History of Sport


Rehabilitation in Patient Care

Sports medicine

Sports Physiology

Supervised and reviewed student research papers



doctoral theses: 3

Master's theses: 2

qualification papers: 5


doctoral theses: 4

Master's theses: 5

qualification papers: 6



Researcher (Projects), Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Administrative Project Manager, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Researcher (Projects), Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Administrative Project Manager, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Researcher (Projects), Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Administrative Project Manager, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Researcher (Projects), Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Administrative Project Manager, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Researcher (Projects), Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW

Administrative Project Manager, Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare, RSU Liepāja Branch, Project " European Later Life Active Network" No 539547-LLP-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW





Bēta, Gunta. Paaudžu sadarbība Eiropas sabiedrības novecošanas kontekstā / G.Bēta, D.Deimante-Hartmane, D.Berloviene // 2015.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2015.g. 26.-27.martā) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2015. - 5.lpp.


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