VIRCAN2024 Conference
Chronic viral infections and cancer, openings for vaccines and cure
21-22 November 2024 (online)
- Conference Co-Chairs
- Maria Isaguliants (Issagouliantis), Leading Researcher, Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Rīga Stradiņš University, Rīga, Latvia, and Research Support Office, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
- Franco Maria Buonaguro, Director Emeritus Mol Biol & Viral Oncol Unit, Istituto Nazionale Tumori – IRCCS Fond Pascale, Naples, Italy
- Organizing Committee
- Maria Isaguliants (Issagouliantis), Leading Researcher
- Juris Jansons, Leading Researcher
- Lība Sokolovska, Researcher
- Aigars Červinskis, Senior Web Editor
- Jūle Mare Rozīte, Web Development Manager
- Andris Bruģis, IT specialist
- Nika Brik, Manager
- Molecular drivers of malignant transformation.
- Metabolic signatures of chronic viral infections & cancer.
- Immune response in chronic viral infections and cancer (Inflammation & Immune Evasion)
- Epidemiology & Risk Factors
- Mechanisms of HPV-associated carcinogenesis
- HPV infection & cancer surveys
- Prophylactic and therapeutic HPV vaccines & their implementation
All sessions will be opened by invited plenary lectures.
To participate in the VIRCAN2024 conference, you need to register. Registration is free of charge.
To register, please send the following information to vircan2024gmail[pnkts]com:
- First name, surname
- Are you an early-career researcher (under 36 years old by the time of the conference)?
- Country, city
- Affiliation (department, institute)
- Position
- Email, phone number (Whatsapp, Telegram etc.)
- Do you want to participate with a presentation?

Registration with abstract submission is now closed.
Registration for participation without abstract submission closes 18 November 2024.
Abstract submission
Abstract submission opens 24 September 2024 and closes 30 October 2024. Indicate the session you want to present at (see below) and the length of your presentation.
- Session 1. Common and specific mechanisms of viral oncogenicity;
- Session 2. Approaches to chronic viral infection and cancer cure;
- Session 3. Human papilloma virus, chronic infection & associated cancers.
All abstracts should be submitted to vircan2024gmail[pnkts]com. You can submit your abstract together with your registration, or later, by the deadline.
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the board. Decisions will be communicated to registered participants via email by 4 November 2024. Authors of abstracts accepted for oral presentation will be given slots of 10–20 minutes, and authors of abstracts accepted for poster presentation will receive a 5 min. slot in their selected sections.
Abstract format
Please, submit your abstract via e-mail in the following format:
- Word file;
- Times New Roman font, size 11;
- one line spacing;
- Length of the text (without title, authors’ names, affiliations) is limited to 500 words.
Regular abstracts
Abstract should contain the following components:
- Title (not more than 150 characters with spaces);
- Authors (surname, first name), indicate the corresponding author;
- Affiliations for all authors;
- Background: a concise statement of the issue under investigation or a hypothesis;
- Materials & Methods: the experimental methods used (including the statistical analyses employed);
- Results: specific findings;
- Conclusions: a summary of findings that are supported by your results (statistical analyses used to support the conclusions);
- Acknowledgements, references to publications (max 5)
Abstract can contain one figure with legend, or one table in good resolution for direct reproduction. Max volume of the abstract with illustration should not exceed two pages. The maximum size of the abstract file is 2 megabytes.
Abstracts of invited plenary lectures
Abstracts should contain the following components:
- Title (is not more than 150 characters with spaces);
- Authors (surname, given name), indicate the corresponding author;
- Affiliations for all authors;
- Background: describe the importance of the revised field of research;
- Aim(s): subject of the review;
- Topics overviewed: short description of the overviewed topics; own findings of the author in this context;
- Conclusions: resume of the progressed achieved so far and perspectives for the development.
- Acknowledgements, references to publications (max 5).
The accepted abstracts will shape the conference programme, which will be posted on this page in mid-November 2024. The abstracts will be compiled into an Abstract book which will be available on-line on the conference website.
Presenting authors will be invited to submit manuscripts describing their experimental studies, short communications, as well as reviews, opinions, comments to the special issues Vaccines (from all three sessions), and Frontiers in Oncology (from session 3 on HPV, chronic infection & associated cancers). The organising committee plans to publish a conference report reviewing all presented studies in Vaccines (MDPI).
Early-career researcher contest
The organising committee will be organising a contest for participants aged 36 or under. Presentations of early career researchers will be assessed by an independent board of five reviewers consisting or one professor, one associated professor, two senior researchers, and one PhD student. The presentations will be assessed using a number of criteria and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd best based on the total ranks. Winners will receive monetary awards sponsored by Vaccines, and winners of the 1st and 2nd awards will be offered free publications in the special issue of Vaccines.
This conference is organized in the frame of the project Human papillomavirus genome associated correlates of disease progression and treatment response for cervical neoplasms and cancer, No. lzp-2021/1-0484, in the frame of the Fundamental and Applied Research Programme administered by the Latvian Council of Science, with support from Rīga Stradiņš University.
The conference is sponsored by VACCINES (mdpi). The journal gives awards to the best presentations of early career researchers, together with vouchers for free publications in special issue of VACCINES for the winners of the 1st and 2nd prizes.