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Work experience

2018 - Present

Acting lecturer

Riga Stradiņš university, Statistics Laboratory

Study courses "Biostatistics", "Statistics", "Basics of Statistics" for Latvian and English students.


2012 - Present

Data entry clerk

Children's Clinical University hospital, Diagnostics radiology unit

Timely and high-quality processing of medical records in information system databases in accordance with internal regulatory documents.

Preparation of accurate descriptions of radiological examinations in cooperation with the staff of the Diagnostic Radiology Unit.

Perform work remotely by processing received records.

2017 - 2018

Clinical simulation specialist

Riga Stradiņš university

Collaboration with lecturers in providing medical simulations.

Assisting lecturers during clinical simulations.

Development of teaching and methodological material on simulators available at MITC, as well as training lecturers and students to work with them.

2016 - 2017

Office manager

Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte

Faculty o

Collaboration with teachers (preparation of lecturers' recruitment orders, preparation of work reports and employment transfer documents, planning of lessons according to the curriculum.

Input of students' achievements in the information system.

Collaboration with students and teachers - informing about classes and changes.

Collaboration with the Department of Education in preparation of orders related to the study process, preparation of diploma supplements for graduates.

Preparation of accreditation documents.

Exchange of information with other departments, preparation and transmission of necessary information.

f Medicine, Health management department

2006 - 2016


Agency of the University of Latvia, P.Stradiņa medical college of the University of Latvia

Study courses: Electronic resources I, II, Work organization, statistical methods, Statistical methods, Informatics for study programms: Nurse, Podology, Radiology assistant, Biomedical laboratory, Social care, Social Rehabilitation.

2002 - 2016

Office manager

Agency of the University of Latvia, P.Stradiņa medical college of the University of Latvia

Collaboration with the Deputy Director in the field of studies since 2002 - preparation of orders for the recruitment of lecturers, control of completed hours, control of the implementation of study courses, supervision of the study process. Preparation of charging orders, lesson execution orders, load cards, in cooperation with study program managers.

Quality control of the study process - questionnaires of students, graduates, employers, employees according to the criteria specified in the Accreditation Regulations, according to which the study directions of the college are evaluated during the accreditation process.

Work at the Ethics Commission (Chair of the Ethics Commission) - reviewing student applications and granting research permission.

Preparation of Diploma Supplement for 9 study programs.

Preparation of documents in the Department of Medicine for ensuring the study process.

Work at the Admissions Commission.

Work at the Scholarship Commission.

Participation in organization of various college events, incl. organization of conferences.

2015 - 2016


University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine

Study courses: Information technologies and Pratical informatics - statistical methods for bachelor and master students in Nursing.


Education and training

2006 - 2008

Master of Health Sciences in Nursing

University of Latvia

Latvijas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultāte

2003 - 2006

Bachelor of Health Sciences in Nursing

University of Latvia

Latvijas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultāte

2000 - 2003

Qualification - Nurse

P.Stradiņš 2. medical school




2019. - Madara Miķelsone, Sofja Tomase “ Families Perception of Health and Support in the Care of Children with Limited Survival. RĪGA STRADIŅŠ UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 02.04.2019. - poster presentation

2018. - Madara Miķelsone, Līga Blūmentāle, Ingre Toča, Roberts Rezgalis „ RSU profesionālās studiju programmas “Medicīna” 6. kursa studējošo manipulāciju prasmju pārbaudes rezultātu izvērtējums laika posmā no 2014. līdz 2017. gadam”, RSU Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference.

2016. - Madara Miķelsone, Ruta Renigere, Sandra Dreimane (Latvia) „Medicīnas māsas profesionālās kompetences komponentu pašnovērtējums veidojot pozitīvu veselības aprūpes vidi”, Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference SABIEDRĪBA. INTEGRĀCIJA. IZGLĪTĪBA, 27.-28.05.2016.

2016. - M.Miķelsone, R.Renigere, S.Dreimane „Uz pierādījumiem un pētījumos balstīta veselības aprūpes prakse”, Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Veselības aprūpes un sociālās labklājības kvalitāte - IZGLĪTĪBA UN PRAKSE”, 12.-13.05.2016. - stenda referāts

2016. - M.Miķelsone, J.Sīpols „Vecāku vajadzības un medicīnas māsu profesionālā kompetence bērna hospitalizācijas laikā”, Latvijas Universitātes 74. zinātniskā konference Veselības aprūpes pētījumi LU koledžās, 11.02.2016. - stenda referāts

2015. - Miķelsone, M. “Expert evaluation of an instrument to measure importance and observance level of parental needs during child’s hospitalization”, 15th European Doctoral Conference in Nursing Science (18.-19.09.2015.)

2015. - Vecāku vajadzības stacionāra etapā”, Aktualitātes bērnu aprūpē, Latvijas Māsu asociācijas konference 2015. - Needs of parents and professional competencies of nurses during hospitalization of a child, RIGA STRADIŅŠ UNIVERSITY, INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CONFERENCE - HEALTH AND SOCIAL SCIENCES 2015

2015. - „Correspondence of the Questionnaire to the Needs of Parents During Hospitalization of Child. Expert Evaluation” Madara Miķelsone, Ruta Renigere, Dagnija Gulbe, International Scientific Conference, Society. Integration. Education. Latvia.

2015. - „The connection between young students’ physical health and their lifestyle”, Rita Geske, Alevtīna Leice, Madara Miķelsone, Laila Kudrjavceva, International Scientific Conference, Society. Integration. Education. Latvia.

2014. - “Vecāku vajadzības bērna hospitalizācijas laikā” - Sabiedrība, Integrācija, Izglītība, Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, 23.-24.05.2014., Rēzeknes Augstskola, Izglītības un dizaina fakultāte, Personības socializācijas pētījumu institūts. 2014. - Inovative Solutions for Elder People Home Care Introduction Research Results, International Scientific Conference „Higher Education Studies: Challenges and Opportunities”, Šiaulia State College, 27.03.2014.




2016. - M.Miķelsone, R.Renigere, S.Dreimane. Medicīnas māsas profesionālās kompetences komponentu pašnovērtējums veidojot pozitīvu veselības aprūpes vidi. International Conference Society.Integration.Education - SIE 2016. Vol. 3, pp. 486.-498.. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, Izglītības, valodu un dizaina fakultāte.

2016. - M.Miķelsone, R.Renigere. Uz pierādījumiem un pētījumos balstīta veselības aprūpes prakse, Zinātniskie raksti Nr.3, 65-75 lpp., Latvijas Universitātes P.Stradiņa medicīnas koledža

2015. - Miķelsone M., Renigere R., Gulbe D. Aptaujas anketas atbilstība vecāku vajadzībām bērna hospitalizācijas laikā. Ekspertvērtējums. International Conference Society.Integration.Education - SIE 2015. Vol. 3, pp. 588-595. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola, Izglītības un dizaina fakultāte.

2015. - Rita Geske, Alevtīna Leice, Madara Miķelsone, Laila Kudrjavceva „The connection between young students’ physical health and their lifestyle”, International Scientific Conference, Society. Integration. Education. Latvia.

2014. - M.Miķelsone, J. Sīpols, Vecāku vajadzības bērna hospitalizācijas laikā, Sabiedrība, Integrācija, Izglītība, Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli III daļa, 464-474, Rēzekne, 2014.



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