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Conferences, workshops

CBG members – eight Baltic research institutions and CERN gathered for a regular meeting in Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania on 9–10 October. Riga Stradiņš University was represented by the head of the Department of Physics, asst. prof. Jevgenijs (Eugene) Proskurins. 4th CBG meeting marked successful scientific collaboration, including joint scientific projects with CERN, boosting particle physics and accelerator technology expertise in the Baltics.

Among other, CBG agreed on the joint further actions:

  • To annually organize the CERN Baltic School of High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies, starting from 2020;
  • To support continuous expert work of the development of the doctoral and master study programme on the above subjects;
  • To strengthen Baltic Industry engagement in collaboration with CERN in the series of events and networking opportunities during 2020;
  • To closely coordinate scientific and industrial engagement in the CERN based CMS experiment;
  • Next CBG General meeting is to be held in Riga in April 2020.

CERN Baltic group was founded in 28.05.2018 at CERN and consists of all the major regional universities – Riga Technical University, University of Latvia, Riga Stradins University, Kaunas University of Technology, Vilnius University, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn University of Technology and University of Tartu. The group is designed to coordinate scientific activities between Baltic countries and CERN.