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Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help organize research, collaboration online, and discovery of the latest research. This training provides attendees with an overview of Mendeley’s functions and features, as well as shows step-by-step how to work with Mendeley Desktop.

Vebināra ilgums: 1 h 15 min.

Mērķauditorija: visu līmeņu pētnieki un doktoranti, bibliotekāri, redaktori (pēc vajadzības)


katarzyna_gaca_zajac.pngKatarzyna Gaca-Zając, PhD Eng, Customer Consultant for Central-Eastern Europe in Elsevier

Katarzyna is a graduate of University of Strathclyde, with almost a decade of experience in research and teaching at an academic level in Europe; a specialist in polymer chemistry and studies of chemical reactions’ kinetics. A knowledgeable expert on scientific databases and solutions for researchers and information specialists, who is passionate about ethics in scientific publishing, as well as about widely understood bibliometrics.

Darba valoda: angļu

Norises vieta
