Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

Šajā lekcijā doc. Serhio Urive (Sergio Uribe) dalīsies pieredzē par efektīvu pētniecības datu pārvaldību un mākslīgā intelekta pielietošanu. Prof. Urive savā darbā ir plaši izmantojis pētniecības datu pārvaldību un sniegs vērtīgus padomus par saistītām tēmām.

Lekcija notiks angļu valodā.


  1. Why: Motivation to share research data and its importance
  2. How: Simplified workflow for research data management through his experience with different tools, platforms and AI applications
  3. Impact: The importance of proper data management in a career

Join us to gain valuable insights and discover how proper data management can enhance your research process.


  1. Familiarity with data research design tools (RDM tools, Argos)
  2. Ability to plan a folder structure for collecting, organising, and cleaning data, as well as publishing datasets
  3. Familiarity with data sharing platforms (RSU.Dataverse, Zenodo, OSF)
  4. Understanding of how open science practices can increase the impact of research

Par vieslektoru

Assoc. Prof. Sergio Uribe is also a leading researcher at the Department of Conservative Dentistry (RSU), participates in BBCE project, as well as practice at Riga Stradiņš University Institute of Stomatology.

Vadošais pētnieks


Norises vieta

Room 106

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