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Work experience

2003 - 2016

Chief of II operation department

VSIA ”P. Stradins University Clinical Hospital”

2016 - Present

Senior consultant of Surgical Clinic

VSIA "P.Stradins University Clinical Hospital"

2014 - Present

Expert in Laparoscopic Surgery

"Doctors safe train centre"

2013 - Present

Member of Procurement Commission, Physician-Expert

VSIA ”P. Stradins University Clinical Hospital”

2012 - Present

Consultant, Surgeon-Proctologist


2009 - Present

Consultant, Surgeon-Proctologist

MFD "Pardaugava"

2003 - Present

Acting Lecturer

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Riga Stradiņš university

2010 - 2015

Teaching position with residents and foreign students in LAMSA

VSIA ”P. Stradins University Clinical Hospital”

2003 - 2011

Activity in the board of Latvian Association of Surgeons

Latvian Association of Surgeons

Education and training

2000 - Present

Certified Surgeon (Diploma Nr.A-64880, until 10.06.2020.)

Latvian Association of Surgeons

1995 - 2000

Surgeon - Resident

Medical Academy of Latvia PDIF

1989 - 1995

Doctor’s Degree

Medical Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine


Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade

2018, January, "Team role in pacients' safety and quality of treatment process", Riga, Latvia

2017, January, "Principles of leadership LEAN", Riga, Latvia.

2002. The Good Clinical Practice​​ certificate;

2009. GMC registration;

2010. traineeship in VSIA "PSKUS" dept.24 (vascular surgery);

"VII Latvian Gastroenterology Congress with International participation" Riga, Latvia, December 5th, 2015

Latvian Association of Surgeons, section of Coloproctology, LKB informative and educational session "Bleeding of lower gastrintestinal tract" Riga, Latvia, November 20th, 2015​;

"Laparoscopic colorectal surgery symposium – Live surgery with lecure" Riga, Latvia, February 23rd, 2015​;

Latvian Association of Surgeons and Latvian Association of Endocrinologists conference „Thyroid cancer" Riga, Latvia, January 10th, 2014;

"VI Latvian Gastroenterology Congress with International participation" Riga, Latvia, December 7th, 2013;

Satellite symposium "Eficacy of iron administration in IBD patients with anemia" Riga, Latvia, December 7th, 2013;​

Conference "Transanal Colerectal Surgery" Kaunas, Lithuania, February 6th, 2013;

"4th Baltics and Belorussia Colorectal conference" Riga, Latvia, May 10th, 2013;

Courses "Basics of Transfusiology for doctors" Riga, Latvia, November 20th, 27th, December 4th, 2013;

Seminar-lecture in endocrine surgery with uest lecturer prof.Peter E.Goretzki, November 15th, 2012;

"5-th International Hernia Congress" New York, USA, March 28th-31st, 2012;

"7-th Congress of Baltic Association of Surgeons" Riga, Latvia, September 27th-29th, 2012;

"RSU 10th Scientific Conference" Riga, Latvia, March 14th-15th, 2011;

Conference "Neuroendocrine tumors​", November 4th, 2011;

Conference "2nd Baltic Colorectal Conference-Crohns disease-where are now?" Riga, Latvia, October 29th-30th, 2011;

Lectures by guest lecturer Michael Stabile (USA), Riga, Latvia; October 28th, 2011;

"Treatment of haemorroids with HEEA stapler set with DST Series technology-live surgery with lecture" Riga, Latvia; May 20th, 2011;

"RSU 9th Scientific Conference" Riga, Latvia, April 14th, 2010;

Conference „Transplantation options in Latvia", Riga, Latvia, April 14th, 2010;

"32nd International congress of European Hernia Society" Istambul, Turkey, October 6th-9th, 2010.

Participation in scientific sessions organized by the Latvian Association of Surgeons 2013, 2014, 2015

Field of research

Research in various fields of acute medicine​

Supervised study courses

Novelties in Surgery

Topical Issues in Angiology, Thoracic Surgery, Transplantology and Urology

Lectured study courses

Surgical Diseases I (Emergency and Planned Abdominal, Breast and Endocrine Surgery)

Surgical Diseases II

Topical Issues and the Latest Achievements in Abdominal Surgery

Supervised and reviewed student research papers

Supervision and review​​ of several research papers​


Latvian Association of Surgeons, member

Latvian Association of Endocrine Surgeons, member

European Society of Coloproctology, member

World Hernia Society, member

Member of the organization committee of several surgeons congresses and scientific conferences


Research articles​​

Mckittrick-wheelock syndrome : a case report [Elektroniskais resurss] / H.Cernevskis, V.Kuzema, I.Mihailova, A.Brikuns, A.Petersons ...[et al.] // Archives of Case Reports in Clinical Medicine [Elektronisks resurss]. - Vol.2, No.1 (2016, March), article No.29000115. - Resurss aprakstīts 2017.g. 1.febr. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL:

Primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix / A. Vanags, I. Strumfa, A. Abolins, A. Brikuns, Z. Simtniece, J. Gardovskis // Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. - No.11 (2011), p.151-153.


Rectal cancer. Outcome after laparoscopic surgery / J.Gardovskis, A.Brikuns, A.Vanags ...[et al.] // Eesti Arst. - Suppl.2 (2015, Sept.), p.72. - 8th Congress of the Baltic Association of Surgeons (Tallinn, Estonia, Sept.10-12, 2015) : [Abstracts].

Brikuns, Andrejs. Akūta apendicīta klīnisko formu un ārstēšanas rezultātu analīze / A.Brikuns // 2011.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2011.g. 14.-15.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2011. - 184.lpp.

Brikuns, Andrejs. Analysis of the first experience of laparascopic treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer in Latvia / A.Brikuns, I.Jelovskis, V.Popkovs // 2011.gada Zinātniskās konferences tēzes (Rīga, 2011.g. 14.-15.aprīlī) / Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. - Rīga, 2011. - 87.lpp.

Books and brochures​​

Ņikitins, Anatolijs. Tievās zarnas slimības / A.Ņikitins, A.Brikuns // Ķirurģija / J.Gardovska redakcijā. - Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2013. - 25.nod., 679.-686.lpp.

Pūce, Maija. Zarnu aizsprostojums (ileuss) / M.Pūce, A.Brikuns // Ķirurģija / J.Gardovska redakcijā. - Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2013. - 28.nod., 743.-754.lpp.


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