Work experience
2012 - Present | Acting LecturerFaculty of Medicine, Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry |
2013 - Present | ResearcherUniversity of Latvia, Institute of Chemical physics |
2018 - 2019 | Expertroject „Competence-based Approaches in Education” (Skola2030) of National Centre for Education of Ministry of Education of Latvia |
2011 - 2016 | Teacher of Informal educationIecava Secondary school |
2009 - 2011 | Expert, work group participantProject „Natural sciences and math” of National Centre for Education of Ministry of Education of Latvia and ESF |
2008 - 2013 | Scientific assistant, Lab assistantUniversity of Latvia, Institute of Chemical physics |
Education and training
2012 - Present | PhD studies, ChemistryUniversity of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry Title of the doctoral thesis "Tritium extraction and distribution in advanced divertor materials"; Scientific supervisor: Dr.chem. Gunta Ķizāne, University of Latvia, Institute of Chemical Physics |
2010 - 2012 | Master’s degree of Natural Sciences in ChemistryUniversity of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry |
2007 - 2010 | Bachelor’s degree of Natural Sciences in ChemistryUniversity of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry |
Continuing education a.o. qualification upgrade
November 2019 – course „Safety working with special gasses", AGA SIA, Riga,
November 2016 – course „Radiation safety", University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
April 2016 – themed course „How Google tools can help to teach and study?", 8 h, RSU PIC, Riga, Latvia
March-April 2016 – themed course „Teaching in an intercultural environment", 15 h, RSU PIC, Riga, Latvia
March 2016 – course „Nuclear Engineering Intensive Course – 6th Term" Hitachi, Kaunas, Lithuania
February-March 2016 – themed course „Possibilities of E-studies (Moodle)", 8 h, RSU PIC, Riga, Latvia
October 2015 – themed course „TurnitIn tool", 2 h, RSU PIC, Riga, Latvia
October 2015 – themed course „Panopto tool for lecture recording", 4 h, RSU PIC, Riga, Latvia
September-October 2015 – themed course „Internet tools for improving lecturer skills", 6 h, RSU PIC, Riga, Latvia
January-May 2015 – Professional training „Set of activities un motivation, preparation and competition in EUSO", 30 h, LU DZM IC, Riga, Latvia
March 2015 – LR IZM VISC Camp leader for pupils, 36 h, Jelgava, Latvia
March 2015 – course „Nuclear Engineering Intensive Course – 4th Term, BWR Structural materials and chemistry" Hitachi, Kaunas, Lithuania
Summer schools
Summer course 2014 „Elements of the Back-end of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Geological Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel" Master level, 7.5 ECTS, June 8 – 19, 2014, Oskarshamn, Sweden
Field of research
Materials for nuclear fusion reactors (CFC and W-coated CFC divertors, tritium accumulation, distribution and extraction)
Developed study courses
General Medical Chemistry, Riga Stradins university
Inorganic Chemistry, Riga Stradins university
Qualitative Analysis, Riga Stradins university
Chemical Physics, Daugavpils university
Supervised study course
General Medical Chemistry, RSU
Radiation safety for airport staff working with ionizing radiation sources, UL
Lectured study course
Medical Chemistry, RSU
General Medical Chemistry, RSU
Radiation safety for airport staff working with ionizing radiation sources, UL
Supervised and reviewed student research papers
2 Bachelor Thesis in Chemisty, University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry
1 Course paper, University of Latvia, Faculty of Chemistry
1 School research work, Iecava Secondary School
September 2012 - now, member of Union of Latvian Teachers of Chemistry (LĶSA)
September 2002 - August 2015, member of Debate Center Latvia („Debašu Centrs")
Research articles
A. Brangule, L. Avotiņa, A. Zariņš, M. Haļitovs, K. A. Gross, G. Ķizāne Thermokinetic Investigation of the Drying Conditions on Amorphous Calcium Phosphate – “Key Engineering Materials” Vol. 758, pp 204-209; DOI: 10.4028/
C. Stan-Sion, N. Bekris, G. Kizane, M. Enachescu, J. Likonen, M. Halitovs, A. Petre and JET contributors Tritium retention measurements by accelerator mass spectrometry and full combustion of W-coated and uncoated CFC tiles from the JET divertor – “Nuclear Fusion” 56 (2016) 046015
C. Stan-Sion, M. Enachescu, A.R. Petre, M. Duma, D.G. Ghita, G. Kizane, L. Baumane, J. Gabrusenoks, M. Halitovs, L. Avotina, A. Zarins, J. Likonen, S. Koivuranta, M. Kiisk, JET-EFDA contributors Comparison of tritium measurement techniques for a laser cleaned JET tile – “Fusion Engineering and Design” 89 (2014) 2628–2634
Pajuste E., Kizane G., Coad J.P., Vitins A., Kirillova A., Halitovs M. and JET-EFDA Contributors Structural changes and distribution of accumulated tritium in the carbon based JET tiles – Journal of Nuclear Materials, S765–S768 (2011), 415.
Halitovs M., Kizane G., Vitins A., Pajuste E., Avotina L. Depth profiles of tritium accumulated in carbon fibre composite divertor materials of JET fusion reactor – Proceedings of International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues (CYSENI) 2011, May 26-27, Kaunas, Lithuania, ISSN 1822-7554.
Educational materials
Interactive school material „Ķīmija 9. klasei”, DVD disk, publishing company Zvaigzne ABC, Riga, 2016, ISBN: 978-9934-0-4817-3; Editors: A. Bruģe, D. Builis, U. Kalva, A. Kapace, Ē. Lasmanis, G. Romanovskis; Consultants and editors: M. Haļitovs and P. Pestovs
Interactive school material „Ķīmija 8. klasei”, DVD disk, publishing company Zvaigzne ABC, Riga, 2014, ISBN: 978-9934-0-4243-0; Editors: A. Bruģe, D. Builis, U. Kalva, A. Kapace, Ē. Lasmanis, G. Romanovskis; Consultants and editors: M. Haļitovs and P. Pestovs
D. Namsone, V. Legzdiņa, A. Kumerdanka, A. Locāne, V. Muižnieks, I. Vilks, M. Haļitovs, D. Bonka, I. Pelnēna Methodical material „Developing interest in natural sciences and math”, Project „Natural sciences and math” of National Centre for Education of Ministry of Education of Latvia, 3 books (4 parts, 36 pages each), Riga, 2011, ISBN 978-9984-573-27-4
International conferences – more than 10
Local conferences – more than 10

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