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ProjectRealisationProject managerProject category
Challenges of ageing in the Baltic Sea region
Līguma nr.:, Līguma Nr. 9.-14.5/26
 -  Ieva ReineEU Structural Funds
Improvement of the practical application and monitoring of work safety laws and regulations
Līguma nr.: 2017-01.3-07/1
 - Veronika Godļevska, Prof. Ivars VanadziņšEU Structural Funds
New non-invasive treatments for the control and treatment of early childhood caries
Līguma nr.:, Contract No 9.-14.5/27
 -  Ilze MaldupaEU Structural Funds
(R)E-TIES: Managing mobility and human relations in digitally saturated social worlds
Līguma nr.: RSU-PAG-2024/1-0017
 -  Ieva PuzoES Programmes
(Re)moving Ties: Relatedness in Contemporary Mobile Work Regimes
Līguma nr.: lzp-2021/1-0213
 - Assoc. Prof. Klāvs SedlenieksFundamental and applied research programme
3LoE - Three-level Centers of Professional Excellence: Qualification, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Green Economy
Līguma nr.: 620870-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA3-VET-COVE
 - Prof. Tatjana MuravskaES Programmes
A Deep Learning Approach for Osteoporosis Identification using Cone-beam Computed Tomography
Līguma nr.: lzp-2021/1-0031
 - Kaspars Sudars (Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts), Assoc. Prof. Anda SlaidiņaFundamental and applied research programme
A study on the factors and habits affecting sexual and reproductive health in Latvia
Līguma nr.: 01-33.2.2/134
 - Assoc. Prof. Anda Ķīvīte-UrtāneEU Structural Funds
Academic Staff Competence Model (COMPAC)
Līguma nr.: VPP-IZM-Izglītība-2023/5-0001
 - Assoc. Prof. Nora Jansone-RatinikaNational Research Programme
An innovative approach to hull-less spring cereals and triticale use from human health perspective
Līguma nr.: NFI/R/2014/11
 - Assoc. Prof. Laila MeijaEEA and Norway Grants
An integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition, SYSTEMIC
Līguma nr.: 23-11.17e/20/224
 - Assoc. Prof. Laila MeijaEU Structural Funds
Analysis of characteristics of medical sapropel and its usage for medical purposes and elaboration of industrial extraction methods
Līguma nr.:
 - Prof. Ivars VanadziņšEU Structural Funds
Analysis of drug-resistant M. tuberculosis strains involved in mico-outbreaks of tuberculosis
Līguma nr.: 23030102
 - Prof. Renāte RankaVPP turpinājumam
Artificial intelligence and high hydrostatic pressure for sterile biomaterials (AI&HHP4Bi)
Līguma nr.: 6-ZD-22/8/2023
 - Assoc. Prof. Ingus SkadiņšProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2023
Assessment of new biomarkers for the prognosis and treatment prediction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Līguma nr.: 6-ZD-22/14/2022
 -  Irina HolodņukaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2022
Assessment of potential genetic factors in tuberculosis
Līguma nr.: 23030103
 - Prof. Renāte RankaProjektu pieteikumu izstrādei 2020
Assessment of the activity of mitochondria-targeted substances and their compounds in the ex vivo model of mitochondrial damage
Līguma nr.: RSU ZP 09/2013
 - Prof. Maija DambrovaRSU Grants
Assessment of the efficacy of conservative treatment and the safety of research methods in patients with acute appendicitis ages 7 to 18
Līguma nr.: 23010402
 - Prof. Aigars PētersonsVPP turpinājumam
Assessment of the social and economic values of climate impact, adaptation to climate changes and adaptation opportunities in neighbourhoods in Riga and Latvia (sustainable development of neighbourhoods in Riga)
Līguma nr.: 2/EEZLV02/14/GS/007
 - Mārtiņš MenniksEEA and Norway Grants
Association of skeletal and soft tissue dismorphism of facial jaw deformations with stability of treatment outcomes
Līguma nr.: RSU ZP 07/2013
 - Prof. Em. Ilga UrtāneRSU Grants